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RA Parachute Display Team

The Royal Artillery Parachute Display Team was formed in 1977 after the amalgamation of a number of independent teams.

The Team was located in the RA Barracks, Woolwich as part of the RA Display Troop.


In 1995 the Team disbanded and sport parachuting within the Royal Artillery was continued under the control of 7th Parachute Regiment RHA. A display capability was maintained, with parachutists being taken from all Regiments within the Royal Artillery.Although only part time, the Team still carried out a great number of displays playing a major role in Recruiting and

KAPE (Keeping the Army in the Public Eye) for the Royal Artillery.


In May 1999 the Royal Artillery Parachute Display Team returned to Woolwich, with Team Leader Sgt Tony Goodman taking

up a full time post. All other Team members continue with their Regimental Duties, which can take them any where in the world, whilst remaining committed to the team and spending a great deal of time carrying out displays and training.


Although open to any soldier within the Royal Artillery, parachutists are not permitted to carry out displays until they have

at least 200 parachute jumps, and have completed a series of qualifing descents. These must be observed by an instructor

and must be carried out annually for all display parachutists.During the winter months team members will maintain their

currency by attending an intensive training camp in preparation for the forthcoming season of Displays at County Fairs and

Town Shows around the country.


These training camps allow the selection of new team members, and the re-qualifcation of current members.

They also allow non parachutists from throughout the Royal Artillery to be trained in order to provide

team members for the future.

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